Simarine Pico Monitor: Installation, Setup and Review for Van/RV/Boat

Simarine Pico Monitor: Installation, Setup and Review for Van/RV/Boat

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The Simarine Pico Battery Monitor is actually much more than "just" a battery monitor. It has the ability to monitor multiple battery banks, current of multiple consumer devices, tanks, temperatures, inclinometer and barometer. Let's call it a SYSTEM MONITOR ๐Ÿ™‚ It's an cutting edge product with an impressive smartphone-like-high-quality feel. While it's not essential to a working van electrical system, it's definitely a sweeeeeet upgrade for your van conversion if you don't mind the higher price tag. Here is everything to know about the Simarine Pico System Monitor!

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1- In a Nutshell

1.1- Features

The Simarine Pico is completely customizable and expandable. To start off, you can use it as a battery monitor only:
House Battery Monitoring
Barometer (built-in)
Continue by adding any, or all, the following modules:
Consumers (battery screen)
Simarine Pico Battery and Consumers Monitoring
Blue means that the consumer is adding energy to the battery (charging). Yellow means that the consumer is drawing energy from the battery (discharging). The balance is displayed below the percentage (7.1A in the screen above)
Consumers (separate screen)

1.2- Components

In a nutshell, the Simarine Pico requires:
1- Simarine Pico Monitor
2- Simarine Input Module(s):

This is so the Simarine Pico can read the electrical input signal of the sensors (resistance or voltage), interpret it and display it for us humans.

3- Sensors (a.k.a. Senders)

This is to convert a physical measure (temperature, liquid level, angle, etc.) to an electrical input signal (resistance or voltage).

A few sensor examples

1.3- Models and Where to Buy

There are a few options here:

Simarine "Pico One" Package

It’s the “entry-level” package. You’ll be able to monitor:

Simarine Pico Standard Package

You’ll be able to monitor:

Simarine Pico Standard Package
Simarine Pico Blue Package

You’ll be able to monitor:

Simarine Pico Blue Package
Customize your own Package

Take advantage of the Pico flexibility and create a package to suit your needs!

Simarine Pico Monitor Only

5% discount with code “FAROUTRIDE”

Tank Sensor
KUS USA Tank Sensor
Don't forget
  • Electrical wires, terminal rings, connectors, etc.
  • Check out our Electrical System Guide to build your knowledge and to download our wiring diagram & tutorial!

We’re super excited to get you 5% OFF ANY SIMARINE PRODUCT!! Just head to and enter the code “FarOutRide” at checkout to get the discount ๐Ÿ™‚

5% Discount on any Simarine Product!

(Europe and Australia are excluded from the code)

In-Depth Look

2- Battery Monitor

2.1- Features

This is the battery screen without consumers monitoring:
With Solar, 12V and 120V consumers monitoring:
Simarine Pico Battery and Consumers Monitoring
Blue means that the consumer is adding energy to the battery (charging). Yellow means that the consumer is drawing energy from the battery (discharging). The balance is displayed below the percentage (7.1A in the screen above)

2.2- Components

1- Sensors

No proper sensors are required to read the voltage and current. Just electrical wires and terminal rings (to connect to shunt / voltage input) will do!

2- Simarine Input Modules:

Just like for any battery monitor out there, a shunt is required to read the current:

2.3- Setup

Battery settings.

3- Consumers

3.1- Features

Consumers can be displayed on the battery screen (Below we chose to display SOLAR, 12V DC LOADS, 120V AC LOADS:
More consumers can be displayed on a separate screen as well (not visible on our Android app, for some reasons):

3.2- Components

1- Sensors

No proper sensors are required to read theย current. Just electrical wires and terminal rings (to connect to shunt) will do!

Ancor Terminal Rings
2- Simarine Input Modules:

A shunt is required to read the current. The following modules can read current inputs.

3.3- Setup

Consumer settings.

4- Temperature Monitor

4.1- Features

4.2- Components

1- Sensors

Temperature sensors are sold by Simarine on their website (1 or 5 meters length):

2- Simarine Input Modules:

Temperature sensors are connected with a JSTย input on the following modules:

4.3- Setup

Temperature settings.

5- Tank Monitor

5.1- Features

5.2- Components

1- Sensors

We went with float sensor type for simplicity of installation and $. We used KUS USA resistance-type sensors:

Make sure to select the right sensor length according to your tank depth! (leave one inch clearance at the bottom of the tank for proper functioning of the sensor)

2- Simarine Input Modules:

Tank sensors are connected to resistance-type input on the following modules:

5.3- Setup

Tank settings.
Calibration points.

6- Inclinometer

6.1- Features

6.2- Components

1- Sensors

For 2020, Simarine finally released their own inclinometer sensor (SDI01); no need to buy a third-party one anymore. That’s good news!

2- Simarine Input Modules:

The Simarine inclinometer (SDI01) has a SiCOM output.

6.3- Setup

Inclinometer settings.

7- Our System

First things first, let us introduce you to our self-built van:
OK, back to our topic. Here is what we monitor with the Simarine Pico:
House Battery
Van Battery

7.1- Installation Photos


Temperature Sensors

There’s not much to say here… just install the temperature probe where you want to know the temperature!

(the blue sensors are Sensorpush wireless sensors. Read about them here)

Inclinometer Sensor

We installed our inclinometer under our kitchen countertop. It’s a flat surface and it’s easy to align the pitch/roll axis properly.

Inclinomter Countertop Van Simarine Pico
Note that this is NOT the Simarine inclinometer. Before 2020, you had to purchase a third-party inclinometer.

Tanks Sensor

1- Nature's Head Composting Toilet Liquid Tank

For the Nature’s Head liquid tank, we used a 9.5″ length sensor:

1- With the help of the gasket, locate where to install the sensor. mark the center for drilling and mark the outside diameter (to help position the sensor later):
2- Drill using a 1-3/8" hole-saw:
3- Find the correct alignement of the gasket on the screw holes, then apply a bead of Silicone II around. Do not let silicone stick to the sensor's probe! So Just a small bead of Silicone...

Note: Silicone is normally not required with these sensors, but it’s an extra step we’re taking because the screws don’t have excellent grip into plastic)

4- Insert the sensor and apply a small drop of silicone into the screw hole:
5- Use stainless steel metal screws (not the bolts provided with the sensor). Do the final torque by hand, or else you will damage the plastic and have poor grip (= possible piss leak).
6- We used these electrical quick connects for easy dumping of the tank. They're super easy to connect/disconnect (nice!), but they're not true crimp connectors; if you pull too hard on them, you might break the wire loose from the connector...
2- Grey Water (4 gallons Aqua-Tainer)

For the Aqua-Tainer, we used a 8.0″ length sensor:

The procedure is exactly the same as for the Nature's Head. But we used extra Silicone because the surface is not flat and the plastic is quite thin (screws don't have very good grip). We were worried it wouldn't work, but it does!
3- Fresh Water (25 gallons)

Here we have a straight surface and quite thick wall, excellent!

We used a 15.0″ length sensor (but check with your own tank):

We kept the most expensive (and difficult to replace) part for the end. At this point we're getting good at this ๐Ÿ™‚

Simarine Modules

We won't win the cable-porn award, but our main electrical cabinet is super compact (space saver!) and that makes it very challenging to work in it...
SC501 Shunt:
(Note that the SC501 has since been replaced with the SC503, connections might differ slightly)
SC301 Shunt:
(Note that the SC301 has since been replaced with the SC303, connections might differ slightly)
SCQ25T Module #1
SCQ25T Module #2

7.2- Wiring Diagram

Here is how we wired things. The inputs in the diagram below are not exactly as the photos above (for clarity), but the result is the same.
(Note that the SC501 and SC301 shunts have since been replaced with the SC503 and SC303, connections might differ slightly)

8- Our First Impressions

After some time using extensively the Simarine Pico system, we can say it delivers! Sweeeeeet!

8.1- The Pico Device

Build Quality

Simarine is doing very well in the hardware department… With an anodized aluminium casing and a Gorilla glass, the Pico has an “Apple-like” feel, a classy look and is a real pleasure to use.ย  Because of that, we often find ourselves touching the screen to control it… Nope, it’s not touch-screen.

We build our van in 2016 and it’s the third monitor we’re testing. Battery monitors have come a long way!

Simarine Pico 1

User Interface

We think the user interface is stunning. In fact, it’s the first thing that caught our attention when we saw it first on a Norva van. The menus look clean, information is well displayed and the settings are easy to find.ย  This thing is definitely an eye catcher and it will probably find its place in more and more in high-end vans and RV.

Only one complain here: the only available mode for the inclinometer is “line”, while on the app the Campervan mode makes it much easier to read:

Simarine Pico Inclinometer

Also, the inclinometer can only be calibrated within the iOS or Android app, not within the Pico device itself… not sure why, but hopefully it changes in the next firmware updates.

Monitoring Performances

The temperature readings are super close to our Sensorpush wireless sensor, nice! The battery SOC, the consumers, the tank levels seem accurate as well; so far so good!

For some reasons, the voltage and temperature readings was TOTALLY off when plugged into the SC501 or the SC301. If plugged into the SQ25T, no problem…

A disappointment is the inclinometer which seems all over the place; we just can’t trust it. But the problem is not with the Simarine Pico, it seems to be the cheap “third-party” inclinometer we chose… We totally avoided “cheap chinese” product so far in our van build, except for our radio and the inclinometer; in both cases the products have under-performed. We’ll be on the search for a proper inclinometer sensor soon enough!

8.2- The Smartphone App

The App is an excellent complement to the Pico device. It makes the initial setup of the Pico MUCH easier and faster than doing it from the Pico’s screen. The displayed menus are very similar than the Pico and the settings are presented in the same order, so it’s super easy to find everything.

The iOS app seems to works flawlessy, but we had a hard time figuring how to use the Android app (our phone just couldn’t establish communication with the Pico). The only way to make it work is to set the Pico in STA mode: instead of creating it’s own WiFi network (you read it right: the Pico communicates via WiFi not via Bluetooth), in STA mode the Pico join an existing router (in our case, our Verizon JetPack). Once setup this way, we could use the app on our Android phone.

8.3- Product Improvement Wishlist

Here is a nice comprehensive list for you, Simarine! ๐Ÿ™‚
Here is our workaround for the fact that there isn't a "screen off" button:

8.4- Victron Battery Monitor vs Simarine Pico Monitor

Which one should you choose?

We spent over a year testing the Victron battery monitor:

Here is our recommendation:

Get the Victron
Get the Pico

9- Long Term Review

It's still too soon, wait for it!

That's all for now, thanks for reading!

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Stay in touch!


About us



Hello! Weโ€™re Isabelle and Antoine 🙂 In 2017, we sold our house (and everything in it), quit our engineering careers, and moved into our self-built campervan. Every day is an opportunity for a new adventure... Weโ€™re chasing our dreams, and hopefully it inspires others to do the same!

Exclusive Deals!

Thanks to all of you, we managed to negociate group discount on these. Strength in numbers!

81 thoughts on “Simarine Pico Monitor: Installation, Setup and Review for Van/RV/Boat”

  1. Hi guys, hope you having fun working on your new van.

    A question about the tanks sensors for the gray water and pee bottle. Over time how did they hold up? In both cases they were float type sensors in remarkably interesting liquids, to say the least, esp the pee bottle. Did you need to clean them, because the way you attached them doesn’t seem to allow for that. Did they start to stick in one position?

    I am thinking of a cheaper alternative at the moment (YoLink) but they use a float valve like the simarine, so your experience would help on this matter.


    PS sorry if this is in the comments, I have a bad internet connection and didn’t have the patience to go through all of them.

  2. It is worth mentioning that the Kus float fluid sensors have a nonlinear output: the measured resistance is not a linear function of the float position. If you enter just a two-point calibration in the Simarine monitor, your measured tank level will be wildly inaccurate except near the ‘full’ and ’empty’ positions. Kus provides resistance data for a 5-point calibration. These provide a much more accurate tank level.

  3. Hi Guys I am also using a 3rd party Inclinometer like yours or very similar. Mine has 4 wires…..Positive, Negative and the two pitch and roll wires. I note you wired the two pitch and roll wires and the negative to your shunt. I assume you wired the positive to the fuse box?? Such a silly question but I cant get mine to work…it shows on the screen ok after adding it but it doesnt move when i move the little blue box!!


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